
cheap beats by dre ld 3 000 Nus ride t

Chapter 196 gold Ge bicycle
Time imitated a Buddha to be held up, at ground leaf valley outside of the place have already passed by for three days, but the situation in the ground leaf and three days earlier have no variety, greatly eat a soldier and press the soldier immobility, wait for all Mo paying and hunt city moreover in the He 1,000 ride a soldier, Tang Jun also equally presses the soldier immobility, but ground leaf city direction have no reinforcement and rush through, Tang Jun also didn't attack on his/her own initiative, this imitates a Buddha is one dish whirling chess bureau, let people can not guess Tang Jun's intention.
Ground leaf with the rather far country of west but uncovered Tang Jun's riddle bottom, a the rather far army of about 15,000 people cannot compare with the power of fast thunder by Yan ear, to empty of the history don't come to city fierce rush toward but go to.
Rather far country again call pull out sweat that, is that the western various Ling junior high school is opposite more close Tang's a client state, the king is sealed by dynasty Tang to turn a king for receiving, its queen woulds be big Tang of with princess Yi, under the great environment that with princess Yi of under the predominance, rather far country has been receiving big Tang as suzerain state, pour toward the big food in various country one in Western Regions, the rather far country conducts oneself virtuously and bears tremendous pressure, Tang Jun Yu rebuilds ground soldier town in leaf this time, the rather far country expressed tremendous enthusiasm.
At the mid-night yesterday.After Li Qing An's special envoy arrived to rather far congresses to see a king, the rather far country then did to send army on that night of decision, king wave the row send big prince's house to whet for the commander-in-chief and lead a soldier 15,000 people make a surprise attack the history don't come to city and break the back route of big food soldier.
Tang Jun Da Dun's camp, a few patrols ride a soldier to speed since then and rush into camp doorway, they turn over a body to dismount, to medium soldier the big debt disease rush but go to.
Medium the soldier is inside the big debt, Li Qing An just and again to again become to inquire the detail that the soldier hurts, though Han Zhi paid the 2,000 troops' loss, they also brought and greatly eat first-hand precious data of soldier battle, these several days, almost each soldiers who escape a time are describing the circumstance of big food soldier and stone army that they suffer in detail, a great deal of of the intelligence report be collected a sorting, gradually condense into several ten simple and direct practical intelligence report.
'War speed horse of big food soldier and stone army brigade compares Tang Jun to fight quick 10% of speed horse, and bears long distance to rush a set of, is all good big Yuan horse.'
'Big food the soldier bow and arrow is weak, but have already thrown short pike, at 30 outside project, the power is biggest.'
'The big food soldier wears skin A, the Cape Nu is 100 outsides can shoot to wear.'
Such as this kind of, these effective of the intelligence report will guide finally deploying of Li Qing An.
Li Qing An seeks to become again to want more understand concerning greatly eat the intelligence report of soldier commander-in-chief, he already from ground leaf Tu ride Shi Ren there understand at 1:00 piecemeal of intelligence report, greatly eat commander-in-chief is Zhu Di Er, year about 40, region's advertisesing for war has already had more than ten years in the river.Being striking against Kang country and stone junior high school to sign the military merit of He He is praised as to shout Luo Shan male eagle, but Li Qing An is inquisitive, this male eagle on the battlefield is how hover?
"Make gentleman, in judging an enemy soldier commander-in-chief, we ate big Kui, all the Du have been thinking that that young stone country's prince is a soldier commander-in-chief of enemy, therefore, we the concentrated troops pounds at the stone king's sub- place, but have never expected 1 to lead troops to assault fore, grow the big food military officer of a square face and bushy beard is their commander - in - chiefs, he nearby has 500 close Weis, all start Du thinking the soldier was little and then dided not put too much mind, didn't expect, these 500 ride a soldier but sharp abnormality, a while tear off Tang Jun's defense line, all the Du Cuo cannot compare with to defend and would be to die to shoot outside 20 this big food military officer of the pike stab under, after the event we just know, he be big food soldier of commander-in-chief."
Speak of all the dead of the Du, becomes again of the voice is more and more lowly, full of a gloomy color in the eye.But Li Qing An combines the dead of being careless of Han Zhi, Zhu Di Er sharp 500 close Weises aroused his interest, he couldn't pass a whichever and worthy information.
"Those 500 ride a soldier how sharp method?"
"Is that their hurl pikes are precise first, each pike's throwing will stab to kill Tang Jun, sand Tuo person at least have halfs be all killed by their hurl pikes, he is like our big Tang's absolute being shooter, one assaults then all the Du nearby close Wei shoot to die greater half and in addition would be their horses different, the speed is the quickest, just tore off a son, 50 rides a soldier and then hurtles to all the Du is at present, make people impossible to effectively guard against."
"You confirm those 500 kiss the horse of Wei different?"
"Yes, their horse really particularly stalwart elegance, imitate a Buddha in the sky and fly high generally, the speed get quickly astonishing."
Li Qing An slowly nods and see come to these 500 kiss the war horse of Wei may be legendary Arabian horse very much.
At this time, big debt unauthorized biography come hurriedly of rush a voice, "general, urgent military situation!"
A patrol appears in the debt doorway, the half kneels to salute a way:"Report to report general, 1,000 Tus rode Shi Ren to in addition go into a big food soldier, currently enemy's soldier total troops already about 14,000 people, enemy's soldier has already struck camp to set out and be apart from our army to still have 70 inside."
Li Qing An tooks a look map, 70 insides rush a set of towards speding a soldier being also the road of along while, certainly, Zhu Di Er being a president of association way in no case, so, at the latest tomorrow morning.Is big food the soldier will suffer with Tang Jun.
"Spread my order, the battalion strikes camp to start on journey!"
The road winds around in the valley, Tang Jun marches speed very slowly and leave ground leaf's river of rock river bed far near, the cope of night quietly fall in, fog spirit has been already eliminated and blow come repeatedly bise, if the month hooks, the whole sky of west reflects the cold Hui of moon, right head huge mountain beam face west extension, end then the wave is even like ground leaf's river of mirror, cross river water, the front is a broad one forest, again face west, the ash receives of the steppe is a single glance takes in all.
Tang Jun at a more divided to all pass through ground leaf's river, a group of brigadeses army camp Tang Shao the return speed in the forest of opposite shore, Tang Jun lead river after rest whole half of two-hour period, then and westward continue to go forward.
Four more cent, the patrol spreads news, 20 in outside discovered a big food soldier main force, Tang Jun immediately halts a soldier not to deliver, broad prairie the breeze roared and shouted last night, red of the big ensign hunted to recruit an exhibition with the breeze.A ferocious black dragon breaks ensign desire to fly on the big ensign.
Is big underneath, 12,000 Tang the soldier ride horizontal knife of soldier to sign a horse, Zhang Gong takes arrows and allowed north wind to once kiss a face, their vision coldly looks at front, half of two-hour period after, vastly and mightily of the big food allied troops appear in the another part of steppe, they also stopped to fight a horse, order wait for aggression, a war that battles out a ground leaf will soon draw back a purdah.
Tang Jun puts descend ride the crane wing of soldier's type big, 100 five connect the bed Nu of hair have already wrung new moon.All of arrowses used are as long as two thick long arrows of Chinese feet, effectively kill enemy's artillery range reach to 500, but in the bed Nu of back then 3,cheap beats by dre,000 Nus ride a soldier, use Cape cross bow, this kind of the Nu belong to light Nu and is pulled bow new moon by arm dint and effectively kill to harm artillery range about 150, Nu the soldier and bed Nu then constituted far about two to flog heavily shot and formed crane head and crane neck in the type in , at Nu soldier behind the but again is 100 large beds Nu, on the bed Nu but is three as long as five short pikes of Chinese feet, have already used a cow the Jin wring new moon.
Is 6,000 long guns to ride a soldier after these 100 bed Nus, this is the main force of Tang Jun, is divided into the armed forces 12 camps, keep shield all alone, hold pike all alone, is crane body;Then ride a soldier for the gun bow of mixture type in two wings, each 1,500 people, far shoot near offend, mainly is shoot to kill an enemy soldier side wing.
And the crane tail is again 1,000 Nus to ride a soldier, mainly used for mobile increase to aid, fight this time, Tang Jun their heavy bow advantage exertion ground of the hard Nu thoroughly, 16,000 ride a soldier, the cross bow rides a soldier to unexpectedly have a half, this is also the northern court soldier commander-in-chief to be good at the cause used bow.
Li Qing An rides a horse and signs at in soldier big ensign under, the his hand holds horizontal knife and looks at the soldier of the enemy of afar and patiently wait for an enemy the assaulting of soldier , in this battle, there is already no the in command of tower of fix type, everythings all carry on conductor in high-speed sport.
At the same time, in this battle, Li Qing An doesn't intend to use explosive, he hopes to use the fighting strength that blood and knife whet a northern court soldier of Li.
Ground leaf's sky dark cloud spreads densely, the north wind sturdily once pared off the breadth of two soldiers about five inside of steppe, the another head of in steppe.The big food soldier is also embattled, commander-in-chief Zhu Di Er is particularly self-confident, 3,000 Tus ride joining of Shi Ren and make them outstrip Tang Jun on the troops, they although weaker than Tang Jun on the material, they have high morale, there is brave warrior, there is excellent war horse, these be good enough to make up a weapon material up of shortage.
Particularly is Mos and all pay 3,000 Tus and ride joining of Shi Ren, more imitate the Buddha beat a cardiac for them, these 3,000 ride a soldier isn't the disorderly band that is put together at the time by the people of herding, but is all old soldier who is a veteran warrior, the Tu rode Shi Ren in those early years with they sharp-edged of attack, swept a pearl river cross-straits, Zhao force the troops beat threw Kui to unload A, even several times greatly hurt a big food soldier, had this to ride a soldier three war, Zhu Di Er won of the confidence increased three to divide again.
At number recently of an and contesting of Tang Jun in, Zhu Di Er also discovered Tang Jun's advantage, that was the bow and arrow severe, for this he specially deployed today's battle, regardless was big anthropophagi still a Tu ride Shi Ren, is all that depended sturdy impact dint blunt disorderly other party feet, for being not been long-distance by Tang Jun to leave of bow and arrow harm, today's first aggression, he then handed over to the troops of stone country.
Fight horse at can not repress ground to kick a dozen to hit the ground noodles, black of the ensign Fan dance in the wind in the breeze in morning, the aureate Sa Latin male eagle exhibition wings desire flies, everything all preparation is ready.
Zhu Di Er turns head to took a look the whole body gold Kui gold AN all Mo to pay and says with smile:" The first battle hands over to you, may your troops be competent?"
All the Mo pays of the vision imitate Buddha wolf similar ruthlessness, bad ruthlessly stare at Tang Jun's handsome ensign, handsome underneath would be his to kill sub- personal enemy Li Qing An, for the sake of the this day of hand blade personal enemy, it has been quick three years since he waited for, though the old grudge has already seethed in his heart, he still not dew voice color way:"My soldier far come exhausted, first battle up, afraid of physical strength up will can not stand up, we beat the second."
All the Mo pays slipperily to make Zhu Di Er slightly and slightly a bit dissatisfied, he however is to sound out just, then explored a while the Mos all pay of old bottom, they are to sincerely work oneslf to the bone for big food, Zhu Di Er didn't say more what, the vision throws again to some Qies fight of prince far boon, have no company to measure a leeway, he resolutely makes a way:"The stone army brigade preparation pounds at and listens to my drumbeat launching."
The his hand is one Yang and bombed the skin drum of Long Long to knock to ring, the stone army brigade had 1 kind to Tang Jun to naturally fear, once at in a hundred years, big Tang has been their suzerain states, big Tang's prosperity and strong let a few stone the peoples is of dream, also in their heart throw down from the vulgar shadow, their dreaming has never wanted to want as well to battle with positive strong Tang Jun, but greatly eats arrogantly to make them swallow the consequence of betraying the old lord.
The Tan Te wields war knife in the far boon heart, the voice of Zhan Li is in the breeze if break if continuous, "listen to my order, make an effort to assault."
Zhu Di Er listenned to the flabbiness in his tone, on staring, his eye's Nu way:"Weak useless thing, do you still want a king who do the stone country?"
Suddenly the face of far boon bulge gets red, he suddenly and hysterically yells a , "prepare to hurtle to kill!"
Zhu Di Er coldly on waving hand, the deep and low horn suddenly blows to ring, this is the order for assaulting, "kill!"Far boon war once the knife flick and lead off blunt go out.
"Kill!"All over the place of the stone country rode a soldier to shout to launch impact and in a twinkling then pulled up long long person Tan on the steppe.
At this time, Zhu Di Er and then to all the Mo pay to make a way:"The Tu rides Shi Ren later on, if the stone army hurts, you kill from the left side!"
All the Mo fulcrum nods, he draws out long knife, such as wolf Ao the sort shout at top of voice:"The brotherses, with me up!"
The Tu rode Shi Ren to also launch and greatly ate a soldier to also assault, 14,000 rode soldier to start to like forty pound at toward Tang Jun.
Tang Jun still keeps being waiting for, they are quiet like Mount Taishan, the wild clop almost wants to step the earth to turn over, but Han motionless a silk of Tang Jun ten cents, Li Qing An turns head to hope toward east to go, the Tong is red of the dynasty sun have already broken cloud Ai, there are no ten thousand Zhang morning glows,have a kind of uncanny blood-red color, imitate Buddha Yu to show a beginning that loves blood for morning.
He lightly on putting a hand, Tang Jun's Pi drum also'Dong!Dong!'The ground knocked to ring, 3,000 Nus rode a soldier to arrange into three rows and touched the string arrows in succession and brush ground the angle of elevation that the cross bow is inclined to carry, present 30 degrees, start adjusting to hope mountain.
7,000 stone countries are crack to ride a soldier to start mounting sudden attack at this time, 1,000, 800, 700......The dust is like cloud, dynasty sun blood, kill of the spirit have already let 100 war of Tang Jun the officers and men center of palm also leak out sweat, the Nu soldier before directs to make Li not guard Yu don't live ground to remind the cross bow hand is steady to live, steady live ……
Suddenly, drumbeat Ga however stop, "shoot!"Wei in the school of in command of bed Nu one yells, the first bed Nu shoot, 500 long arrowses are sturdy to project, break an empty voice your work, grow arrows against the wind but, roar and shout to rush toward into 300 outside of ride soldiers, grow arrows to wear deeply shield and human body, bellow a voice to rise everywhere, immediately poured more than 200 persons' horse, fought arrows in horse to fall, will ride a soldier heavily horizontal fall off to go out, a short moment then drive behind of the billowing iron hoof step into minced meat, the skeleton is stepped into mud, all gone.
More than 200 persons fall in action such as start to splash in the ocean of a wave flower, there is no effect, the stone country rides soldier to annoy to soar, dance move long pike war knife, the screech resounds through steppe and has been 150, second run bed Nu again project, and then fall flop several 100 people horse.
At this time, operation bed the soldier of the Nu turns round and then runs and throws bed Nu away on the steppe, behind 3,000 Nus ride a soldier to slowly come forward, at leave bed Nu 80 stopped a step, the iron hoof knocks the voice that moves people's heart in the earth and sends out unclear roaring cry in the distance before falling to the ground like the surprised thunder, the breath has already stopped in the strain, unique can feel of is the earth is shivering.
Being long is long of the bed Nu became an obstacle, but hurtled on the most anterior stone country to ride a soldier don't put them in the mind, once they lift to fight a horse and fight Ma Teng to get empty but go, from the bed Nu brush past.
Can ride in a flash of soldier Teng get empty but in the stone country, Tang Jun Nu rode a soldier to launch, 1,000 arrowses broke to get empty but rose and in the sky knit arrows rain in a black, in small compass shot into a stone country to ride a soldier to win, the first rode the soldier is bellowing a voice to fall down in succession, their fall on the ground but seriously hindered second run and ride a soldier cross bed Nu, fight a horse in succession to halt before the Nu in the bed, riding of horseback the soldier jilt to go out, behind of ride soldier Cha not to live feet, continuously bumps together, the stone army brigade one is greatly disorderly.
In the disorder, the advantage beginning of Tang Jun's bow and arrow developed, the bow rides soldier's in file to hurtle to come forward, new moon, put arrows, don't need to be taken aim at, all over the place of the arrows Shi also reflect the sky black, a tightly connect a , in a short instant, 18,000 arrowses shot into an intensive stone country to ride soldiers in, the wail voice resounds through steppe, 2,000 remaining rides soldier or dead or wound, stone army brigade frightened Dan crack, adjust a Kui to escape.
At this time, the Tu rides Shi Lang Bing and greatly eat crack troop with stone army brigade for shield, suddenly kill from the both sides, particularly big food soldier, the horse is the soon the quickest, a short moment and then hurtle to be apart from Tang Jun Gong and ride a soldier 40 outside, 100 pay more short pike the big food soldier being been sturdy by the arm dint throw and row an a way sharp curve and shoot into Tang Jun, sharp of the pike Feng wear deeply battle armor, Tang Jun appeared dead and injured.
The litchi guards Yu to get a shock, he immediately makes a way:"Front the soldier withdraw, the or so bow camp suppresses enemy's soldier."
Two side Nus riding a soldier has been already changed can fast- shooting bow, arrows such as rain hair, hurtle the most anterior more than 100s greatly eat a soldier in succession from fell down right away, take the offensive of drive is of one Cuo, take advantage o heavy anthropophagi and Tu rode Shi Ren of the horse soon reduced a slow moment, the bow withdrew after riding the soldier quickly, Tang Jun and fight and walk to withdraw, greatly eat a soldier title the tail make track for shot, the pike arrows is like rain, and both parties are each to have dead and injured.
At this time, already the about 4,000 greatest foods allied troops hurtle into 100 dangerous scopes, inside 100 ride a soldier to pound at also at in few seconds inside, even if the bow soldier can also in great quantities kill to harm enemy's soldier, but they will also face miserably heavy dead and injured.
The noodles of Li Qing An have no facial expression, greatly eat soldier and Tu and ride Shi Ren suddenly kill anticipates in his idea in, he is from numerous Yis I soldier officers and men's stating and the performance of these days of big food soldiers, already gradually touch big food commander-in-chief Zhu Di Er's resort to arms set road, this is a very careful chief commander, like and excel an enemy on the troops, acquire mental advantage thus, is exactly also so, he likes whole army devotion while battling, with superior force with one action shot Kui the other party, but in no case will let the other party have an opportunity encroach upon himself/herself gradually, at to Yi my soldier with beat more little battle in, he is to do like this.
He beats by stone army brigade today first time, in no case will only is 1 to sound out, their main force by all means for the behind in stone army, be greatly eat soldier and Tu to ride Shi Jun to suddenly kill the moment of , Li Qing An also descended to reach an order:The bow rides a soldier to withdraw!
Because the military command of commander-in-chief spreads, the Nu rides a soldier to withdraw lord battlefield, 3,000 Nus ride the soldier,such as tidewater, backs bottom, peep out the large bed of 100 black Yous You Nu, put into a half month form, a root short pike icy coldly aims at enemy's soldier.
The big food soldier has already arrived 50 outside, they suddenly discover Tang Jun after death and unexpectedly again hide 100 bed Nus, all immediately stunned speechless, the first Zhu Di Er reaction of distance comes over, he yells one far from good, just desperately made big the food withdraws after riding a soldier, but already late.
Suddenly rush out from Tang Jun's phalanx 100 keep a hammer of ride a soldier, their disease rushes and up, flick a hammer to hit toward the blast-off triggers of bed Nu, put because of the bed Nu of the half month forms make frontal attack noodles very small, so greatly food ride a soldier at percussive of time, more approach density also more big, by this time they already arrive 30 to open outside, they speed the horse prepare and use soon long pike impact Tang Jun ride a soldier.
But 100 bed Nus brought them unexpected kill, 300 take soon short pike of the most sturdy beginning is from Tang Jun of shot out in the bed Nus, 'burst, burst, burst!'Sees the short pike lead place, the one is utterly routed, bellow a voice this that Fu, penetrate after 45 people short pike just fall to the ground, Cha time hurtled more than 1,000 persons at the front to remain several 10 people still right away.
All the Mo carries on the back after paying of three adopted sons also all the quilt shot before heart deeply and stare frightened of eye from kept on falling off right away, bloodthirsty kill to bring of fear to cover with big anthropophagi and Tu to ride Shi Ren's heart at this aggression battalion in, they the feet are a burst of greatly disorderly.
At this time, clearly assault a clarion call to suddenly ring out, 6,000 Tang the soldier ride soldier such as Xu power already a long time of the flood overflow, murderous look curl up Tao for sky, just like white wave vacillating big current, the bicycle of gold Ge, take everything away to the big food soldier.
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